How do I close an f7Popup in R Shiny with a button click?
Image by Aleen -

How do I close an f7Popup in R Shiny with a button click?

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If you’re struggling to close an f7Popup in R Shiny with a button click, you’re in the right place! In this article, we’ll demystify the process and provide you with a step-by-step guide to achieving this functionality. So, buckle up and let’s dive in!

What is an f7Popup?

Before we dive into the solution, let’s quickly discuss what an f7Popup is. An f7Popup is a type of popup dialog provided by the Framework7 library, which is a popular mobile-first framework for building hybrid mobile apps and desktop apps. In the context of R Shiny, f7Popup is often used to create interactive and visually appealing popup dialogs that provide additional information or functionality to users.

Why do I need to close an f7Popup with a button click?

In many cases, you may want to provide users with the ability to close an f7Popup with a button click, rather than relying on the default behavior of closing the popup by clicking outside of it. This can be particularly useful when you want to ensure that users have explicitly acknowledged or confirmed some information before proceeding.

The Challenge of Closing an f7Popup with a Button Click

So, why is it challenging to close an f7Popup with a button click in R Shiny? The main reason is that f7Popup doesn’t provide a built-in mechanism for closing the popup programmatically. This means that you need to use a combination of R Shiny and JavaScript code to achieve this functionality.

Solution: Closing an f7Popup with a Button Click in R Shiny

Now that we’ve set the stage, let’s dive into the solution. To close an f7Popup with a button click in R Shiny, you’ll need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Create an f7Popup in R Shiny

First, let’s create a basic f7Popup in R Shiny using the `f7Popup` function from the `framework7` package. Here’s an example:


ui <- fluidPage(
  f7Popup("my_popup", "Popup Title", "This is a sample popup!")

server <- function(input, output) {}

shinyApp(ui, server)

This code creates a basic f7Popup with the title “Popup Title” and content “This is a sample popup!”.

Step 2: Add a Close Button to the f7Popup

Next, let’s add a close button to the f7Popup. We can do this by wrapping the popup content in a `div` element and adding a button with the `onclick` attribute set to a JavaScript function that will close the popup.

ui <- fluidPage(
  f7Popup("my_popup", "Popup Title", 
      "This is a sample popup!",
      actionButton("close_popup", "Close", onclick = "closePopup()")

server <- function(input, output) {}

shinyApp(ui, server)

In this code, we’ve added a close button with the label “Close” and set the `onclick` attribute to `closePopup()`, which is a JavaScript function that we’ll define in the next step.

Step 3: Define the closePopup() Function

To define the `closePopup()` function, we need to use JavaScript code to access the Framework7 API and programmatically close the popup. Here’s how you can do it:

ui <- fluidPage(
  f7Popup("my_popup", "Popup Title", 
      "This is a sample popup!",
      actionButton("close_popup", "Close", onclick = "closePopup()")
    function closePopup() {

server <- function(input, output) {}

shinyApp(ui, server)

In this code, we’ve added a `script` tag to the UI that defines the `closePopup()` function. This function uses the Framework7 API to close the popup with the id `#my_popup` when the close button is clicked.

Tada! You’ve Closed the f7Popup with a Button Click!

Congratulations! You’ve successfully closed an f7Popup with a button click in R Shiny. This solution provides a clean and elegant way to programmatically close an f7Popup in response to user input.

Additional Tips and Variations

While the above solution provides a basic implementation of closing an f7Popup with a button click, there are some additional considerations and variations you may want to explore:

  • Using a different popup library: If you’re using a different popup library, such as `shinyalert` or `sweetalert`, you may need to modify the JavaScript code to close the popup.

  • Passing arguments to the closePopup() function: You can modify the `closePopup()` function to accept arguments, such as the id of the popup or additional parameters to pass to the Framework7 API.

  • Using a different close button: You can replace the `actionButton()` with a different type of button, such as a `f7Button()` or a custom HTML button.

  • Adding additional functionality: You can add additional functionality to the `closePopup()` function, such as updating Shiny reactive expressions or triggering other actions.


In conclusion, closing an f7Popup with a button click in R Shiny requires a combination of R Shiny and JavaScript code. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can provide a seamless and intuitive user experience for your users. Remember to explore additional tips and variations to customize the solution to your specific needs.


Question Answer
Does this solution work with other popup libraries? The solution is specific to Framework7, but you can adapt it to work with other popup libraries by modifying the JavaScript code.
Can I use this solution with Shiny modules? Yes, you can use this solution with Shiny modules by ensuring that the JavaScript code is executed in the correct scope.
Is this solution compatible with older versions of R Shiny? The solution should work with R Shiny 1.4.0 or later. For older versions, you may need to modify the code to accommodate changes in the Framework7 API.

We hope this article has provided you with a clear and comprehensive guide to closing an f7Popup with a button click in R Shiny. Happy coding!

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “How do I close an f7Popup in R Shiny with a button click?”

Frequently Asked Question

Get the answers to the most common question about closing f7Popup in R Shiny with a button click!

How do I close an f7Popup in R Shiny with a button click?

You can close an f7Popup in R Shiny with a button click by using the `f7Close()` function in the `observeEvent()` function. For example, `observeEvent(input$close_popup, { f7Close() })`, where `input$close_popup` is the input ID of your button.

What if I have multiple f7Popups in my R Shiny app?

If you have multiple f7Popups in your R Shiny app, you can close a specific popup by specifying the `popup` argument in the `f7Close()` function. For example, `f7Close(popup = “my_popup”)`, where `”my_popup”` is the ID of the popup you want to close.

Can I close an f7Popup programmatically?

Yes, you can close an f7Popup programmatically by using the `f7Close()` function in a reactive expression or a function. For example, `f7Close()` can be called in a `observe()` function to close the popup after a certain condition is met.

How do I prevent the f7Popup from closing when I click outside the popup?

You can prevent the f7Popup from closing when you click outside the popup by setting the `closeByBackdropClick` argument to `FALSE` when creating the popup. For example, `f7Popup(…, closeByBackdropClick = FALSE)`. This will prevent the popup from closing when you click outside the popup.

What if I want to perform an action before closing the f7Popup?

You can perform an action before closing the f7Popup by using the `beforeClose` argument when creating the popup. For example, `f7Popup(…, beforeClose = function() { console.log(“Popup is closing!”) })`. This will execute the function before the popup is closed.