Cannot Add Dependency to Rebar3 Config: The Ultimate Guide to Solving the Issue
Image by Aleen -

Cannot Add Dependency to Rebar3 Config: The Ultimate Guide to Solving the Issue

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Are you stuck with the frustrating error “Cannot add dependency to rebar3 config”? Worry no more! This comprehensive guide will walk you through the troubleshooting process, providing you with clear and direct instructions to resolve the issue. By the end of this article, you’ll be able to add dependencies to your rebar3 config like a pro!

Understanding Rebar3 and Dependencies

Before diving into the solution, let’s quickly cover the basics. Rebar3 is a build tool for Erlang and Elixir projects, used to manage dependencies, compile, and test your code. A dependency is a library or module required by your project to function correctly. In rebar3, dependencies are specified in the `rebar.config` file using the `deps` directive.

Why Can’t You Add Dependencies?

So, why are you encountering the “Cannot add dependency to rebar3 config” error? There are several reasons for this issue:

  • : A syntax error in your `rebar.config` file can prevent rebar3 from parsing the dependencies correctly.
  • : Attempting to add a dependency that already exists in the config file can cause the error.
  • : The dependency format in the `rebar.config` file might be incorrect, leading to the error.
  • : A corrupted rebar3 cache can prevent dependencies from being added correctly.
  • : Using an outdated rebar3 version can cause compatibility issues and prevent dependencies from being added.

Troubleshooting Steps

Now that we’ve covered the possible reasons behind the error, let’s go through the troubleshooting steps to resolve the issue:

Step 1: Check the Syntax

Open your `rebar.config` file and carefully review the syntax. Ensure that:

  • There are no typos or missing commas.
  • The `deps` directive is correctly formatted.
  • Each dependency is specified on a new line.

Here’s an example of a correctly formatted `rebar.config` file:

{deps, [
  {cowboy, "2.9.0"},
  {jsx, "2.11.0"}

Step 2: Remove Duplicate Dependencies

Check if the dependency you’re trying to add already exists in the `rebar.config` file. If it does, remove the duplicate entry:

{deps, [
  {cowboy, "2.9.0"},
  {jsx, "2.11.0"},
  {jsx, "2.11.0"} % remove this duplicate entry

Step 3: Verify Dependency Format

Ensure that the dependency format is correct. The format should be `{DependencyName, “Version”}`:

{deps, [
  {cowboy, "2.9.0"}, % correct format
  {jsx, 2.11.0} % incorrect format, missing quotes

Step 4: Clear the Rebar3 Cache

Sometimes, the rebar3 cache can become corrupted, causing issues with dependencies. Clear the cache by running the following command:

rebar3 clean

Step 5: Update Rebar3

Make sure you’re running the latest version of rebar3. You can check the version by running:

rebar3 --version

If you’re running an outdated version, update rebar3 using your package manager or by downloading the latest version from the official website.

Additional Tips and Tricks

In addition to the troubleshooting steps above, here are some additional tips to keep in mind:

Use the `rebar3 deps` Command

The `rebar3 deps` command allows you to manage dependencies interactively. You can use it to add, remove, and update dependencies:

rebar3 deps

This will open an interactive shell where you can manage your dependencies.

Check the Rebar3 Logs

If you’re still encountering issues, check the rebar3 logs for error messages:

rebar3 -v

This will enable verbose logging, providing more detailed information about the error.


By following the troubleshooting steps and additional tips outlined in this article, you should be able to resolve the “Cannot add dependency to rebar3 config” error. Remember to:

  • Check the syntax and formatting of your `rebar.config` file.
  • Remove duplicate dependencies.
  • Verify the dependency format.
  • Clear the rebar3 cache.
  • Update rebar3 to the latest version.

If you’re still stuck, feel free to reach out to the rebar3 community or Erlang/Elixir forums for further assistance.

Error Solution
Syntax error Check syntax and formatting of `rebar.config` file
Duplicate dependencies Remove duplicate entries from `rebar.config` file
Incorrect dependency format Verify dependency format in `rebar.config` file
Corrupted rebar3 cache Clear rebar3 cache using `rebar3 clean` command
Outdated rebar3 version Update rebar3 to latest version

Now, go ahead and add those dependencies to your rebar3 config like a pro!

Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Stuck on adding dependencies to your rebar3 config? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

Why can’t I add a dependency to my rebar3 config?

This might be due to a typo or incorrect formatting in your `rebar.config` file. Double-check that you’ve added the dependency correctly, and make sure you’ve saved the file without any whitespace at the end. Also, ensure that you’re using the correct syntax for adding dependencies, which is typically in the format `deps: [dep1, dep2, …]`.

I’ve added the dependency correctly, but it’s still not showing up?

Try running `rebar3 deps` or `rebar3 update` to fetch and update your dependencies. This might resolve the issue. If you’re still facing problems, try deleting the `_build` directory and running `rebar3 deps` again.

Can I add dependencies with specific versions?

Yes, you can specify the version of a dependency by adding it in the format `dep: {vsn, “1.2.3”}`. For example, `deps: [cowboy: {vsn, “2.8.0”}]`. This ensures that your project uses the specified version of the dependency.

How do I add a dependency from a custom repository?

You can add a dependency from a custom repository by specifying the repository URL along with the dependency name. For example, `deps: [{mydep, {git, “”, {branch, “master”}}}]`. This will fetch the dependency from the specified repository and branch.

What if I’m still stuck and can’t add the dependency?

Don’t panic! Check the rebar3 documentation and Erlang forums for similar issues. You can also try asking for help on platforms like GitHub or Stack Overflow. If you’re still struggling, consider seeking guidance from an experienced Erlang developer.

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