Mastering the Art of Planning: Understanding the Number of Planning Attempts in MoveIt
Image by Aleen -

Mastering the Art of Planning: Understanding the Number of Planning Attempts in MoveIt

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Are you tired of watching your robots struggle to find a viable motion plan? Do you find yourself stuck in a loop of failed planning attempts, wondering what’s going wrong? Fear not, dear reader, for today we’re going to demystify the elusive concept of planning attempts in MoveIt, the popular motion planning framework. By the end of this article, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle even the most challenging planning tasks and optimize your robot’s performance.

What are Planning Attempts in MoveIt?

In MoveIt, a planning attempt refers to a single iteration of the motion planning algorithm. When you request a motion plan, the planner generates a series of attempts to find a valid solution. Each attempt involves a different set of parameters, such as start and goal states, collision checking, and path smoothing. The planner continues to iterate until it either finds a successful plan or reaches a predetermined timeout.

Factors Affecting the Number of Planning Attempts

The number of planning attempts can be influenced by several factors, including:

  • Complexity of the Environment: The more complex the environment, the higher the number of planning attempts required to find a valid plan.
  • Robot Kinematics: The type and complexity of the robot’s kinematics can impact the planner’s ability to find a solution, affecting the number of attempts.
  • Planning Algorithm: Different planning algorithms, such as RRT or SBPL, can have varying levels of complexity and efficiency, influencing the number of attempts.
  • Configuration and Parameters: The planner’s configuration, including parameters like timeout, resolution, and sampling rate, can significantly impact the number of planning attempts.

Configuring the Number of Planning Attempts in MoveIt

Fortunately, MoveIt provides several ways to configure the number of planning attempts. Here are a few methods to get you started:

Using the `planning_attempts` Parameter

robot = moveit_commander.RobotCommander()
group = moveit_commander.MoveGroupCommander("arm")

# Set the number of planning attempts to 10

pose_target = geometry_msgs.msg.PoseStamped()
pose_target.header.frame_id = "world"
pose_target.pose.position.x = 0.5
pose_target.pose.orientation.w = 1.0

plan = group.plan()

In this example, we set the `planning_attempts` parameter to 10 using the `set_planning_attempts()` method. This will limit the planner to 10 attempts before it times out.

Using the `planning_pipeline` Parameter

Parameter Description
`planning_pipeline` Specifies the planning pipeline to use. Can be a string or a dictionary.
`pipeline_max_attempts` Integer value specifying the maximum number of planning attempts.
yaml_config = {
  'pipeline': 'ompl',
  'pipeline_max_attempts': 20


In this example, we specify a YAML configuration dictionary that sets the `pipeline` to OMPL and the `pipeline_max_attempts` to 20. This will configure the planner to use the OMPL pipeline with a maximum of 20 planning attempts.

Tuning the Number of Planning Attempts for Optimal Performance

So, how do you determine the optimal number of planning attempts for your specific use case? Here are some tips to get you started:

  1. Start with a Low Value: Begin with a low number of planning attempts (e.g., 5-10) and gradually increase as needed.
  2. Monitor Planning Time: Keep an eye on the planning time and adjust the number of attempts accordingly. If planning takes too long, consider reducing the number of attempts.
  3. Experiment with Different Pipelines: Try different planning pipelines (e.g., OMPL, SBPL, or BiTRRT) to find the one that works best for your robot and environment.
  4. Analyze Planner Output: Examine the planner’s output to identify areas of improvement. Look for patterns in the planning attempts, such as repeated failures or successes, to inform your optimization efforts.
  5. Consult the MoveIt Documentation: Familiarize yourself with the MoveIt documentation and consult the official tutorials and guides for specific use cases and best practices.


Mastering the art of planning in MoveIt requires a deep understanding of the number of planning attempts and its impact on performance. By configuring the planner correctly, tuning the number of attempts, and monitoring planning time, you can unlock the full potential of your robot and tackle even the most complex motion planning tasks. Remember, practice makes perfect, so don’t be afraid to experiment and optimize your planning pipeline for optimal results.

With this comprehensive guide, you’re now equipped to tackle the world of motion planning with confidence. So, what are you waiting for? Get planning, and remember to keep those planning attempts in check!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the inside scoop on MoveIt’s Number of Planning Attempts feature!

What is the Number of Planning Attempts in MoveIt?

The Number of Planning Attempts in MoveIt refers to the maximum number of times the planner will attempt to find a valid motion plan to reach the desired goal state. It’s like trying different routes to reach your destination – the planner will keep trying until it finds a viable solution or reaches the set limit!

How does the Number of Planning Attempts affect the planning process?

The Number of Planning Attempts has a direct impact on the planning process. A higher number of attempts allows the planner to explore more possibilities, increasing the likelihood of finding a valid motion plan. However, it also increases the computational time and resources required. On the other hand, a lower number of attempts can result in faster planning times but may limit the planner’s ability to find a solution.

What happens when the planner reaches the maximum Number of Planning Attempts?

When the planner reaches the maximum Number of Planning Attempts, it will return a failure or an error message, indicating that it was unable to find a valid motion plan. This can occur when the problem is too complex or the planner is unable to find a solution within the given attempts.

Can I adjust the Number of Planning Attempts in MoveIt?

Yes, you can adjust the Number of Planning Attempts in MoveIt! This parameter can be tuned based on the specific requirements of your application and the complexity of the planning problem. You can increase or decrease the number of attempts to strike a balance between planning time and solution quality.

What are some best practices for setting the Number of Planning Attempts?

When setting the Number of Planning Attempts, it’s essential to consider factors like the complexity of the planning problem, the available computational resources, and the desired planning time. A good starting point is to set the number of attempts to a moderate value (e.g., 10-50) and adjust it based on the performance and solution quality. Additionally, consider using heuristics or other optimization techniques to improve the planning process.

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